4th year – Awareness Raising / Listening to Specialists at School: Science Workshop

Inglés – Secundario

4th year students had the chance to attend a virtual talk organised by their teacher, María José Grether, about ‘Human Influence on the Environment’. The talk was given by Ms. María Gassiebayle, a landscape designer. Due to the destruction of habitats many plants have disappeared together with the animals that feed, breed or nest in them. María told students that one of her main concerns is preserving our native plants when she starts a project. She also mentioned it is important to recreate habitats and, for doing this, we need to ask ourselves these questions:

What kind of flowers do bees need?

What kind of trees do birds need for nesting?

Or feeding?

What are the plants that butterflies need for laying eggs?

She showed them pictures of gardens and parks in our country and around the world where they are working in this way.